Count.down to moe.down XI

After dropping off our (rather late) rent checks at our landlord's convenient store in Hoboken, Bennick and I stopped in at a liquor store we used to frequent in college, Village Market. It's a basement shop, musty and dingy but comfortably familiar. The kid behind the register gave me a quizical look as i stepped down the stairs; clearly attempting to evaluate my age -a daunting task since i look about 19- before i gave him the "I-get-this-all-the-time-are-you-really-going-to-ID-me" look. He gave me an affirmative nod.

My original plan was beer, but I had gravitated toward the wines. Red; California Cab; Interesting label. I was reaching for the bottle when i caught the Magic Hat Seasonals peeking out from the bottom shelf of the fridge. I was sold.

I chose the Spring IPA over the Summer Ale. It is simply not hot enough out for the Summer Brews yet. Soon, but not yet. The Label was nicer, too. And I prefer a hoppier beer.

Home. Television. Conversations on moving into a new place, Baseball (I declined to engage, but listened), and Politics (Brian was home). The beer went nicely with the relaxed mood. It had a subtle hoppiness, not trying too hard. I went outside for a smoke. I always like to drink a seasonal beer out in the season it's paired with; my personal seasonal brew litmus test. It went nicely with the spring air. There was an earthy taste to the beer that complimented the humidity and smells that accompany the plants beginning to bud again. According to the fine people at Magic hat:

"'s an ideal accompaniment to chilling out, turning inward or sailing onward through the music of the night toward the dawn of the mind." (via

I agree. Go buy a six pack of it, somewhere in the realm of 8 to 10 dollars.


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